My Vision

Lately I’ve been feeling called to expand this page, to expand my services and really create my vision for Lisa’s Sanctuary.

I’m a teacher, a knowledge giver, an energy healer, a transformational practitioner. I’m a Domestic Violence expert and advocate.

My vision involves giving safety to those who have just escaped with housing, counselling, medical, caseworker and healing supports that are on site.

My free content is aimed at those who have recently escaped. My target audience is women who are 2-3 plus years out who want to jump to the next level and walk towards the place that I’m in, the place that I’m teaching from.

My services include hypnotherapy or mindset and healing sessions to help DV victim/survivors find their worth, uncover the limiting beliefs holding them back so they can move forward and live their damn lives.

Full disclosure that I want to be a rich woman. Why? Because when you put money into the hands of good people they do good things with it.

My vision involves being a private company which doesn’t need to rely on Government funding.

I don’t want to rely on government funding or have it dictated where my money goes. I want the freedom to choose who my money goes to, where my money goes to, what my money goes on and how my money goes.

My money will come from my books, paid services, donations, speaking engagements, affiliate programs, investments.

I get to be rich, I get to be comfortable while I’m helping others, my children get to be comfortable and have their futures secured.

We get to enjoy our lives, our existence. It gets to be fun and easy and magical. 

We get to make an impact.


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