I have to vs I choose to

There’s something pretty heavy about saying and feeling like you ‘have to’ do something. It doesn’t feel very fun when you feel like you’re doing something out of obligation rather than from your own accord.

I have to go to work.

I have to take the dog to the vet.

I have to pick up my mate from the airport.

Have to feels out of your control and has a tinge of negativity to it. But what if you changed the word ‘have’ and replaced it with ‘choose’?

I choose to go to work so I have money to eat, pay rent and have money for entertainment.

I choose to take my dog to the vet to keep him/her healthy and happy.

I choose to pick my mate up from the airport because I like helping him/her out.

It feels less obligatory when it’s a choice.

But what if you do feel like you have to go to work? There’s always a choice. You might not like the place you work at or it might not be the career of your dreams but right now you do have a choice.

You can choose to go to work and get paid while you wait for something else to come along or you can choose to quit right now. The downside of quitting is you won’t get that pay check.

I’m not loving the stress of my workplace at the moment but I still choose to go to work so I get paid. I like my mortgage being paid, I like to eat, my children like to eat and so I choose to go to work for the paycheck right now.

It doesn’t mean that I’m not working on manifesting something different into my life though. It just means that by changing the words I use I can shift the energy and how I feel about it.

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